This Mahara portfolio has been compiledusing my officialportfolio submission originally created in MS Word. I have no fear in designing and building activities into my sessions that hands control over to the participants. You can achieve recognition by applying direct to Advance HE or by using accredited routes - many universities run taught programmes which are accredited and are also 'accredited' to award certain categories of Fellowships themselves (see here for an explanation of the different routes). Hattie, J. and Timperley, H. (2007) The Power of Feedback,Review of Educational Research, 77(1), pp. Those making a claim for Senior Fellowship should pay particular attention to descriptor statement 3.7. I believe its through my experiences as a teacher that I have been able to successful support SSU staff with technology enhanced practices. My role as a Learning Technologist is to empower staff in using technology to enhance teaching and learning, thus improving the student learning experience. The resources below provide you with the relevant documents to start your application plus a copy of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), which underpins the Fellowship process: However, it was a strategic narrative, as I needed to include (and reference!) (2020) Rebooting Inclusive Education? The whole process took me around 6 months. Applying for fellowship Advance HE have recently launched a revised Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). Within this dynamic, I explored questions around engagement, particularly with others who had reused my referencing teaching methods I explored in Case Study 1, and decided that recapturing the co-created community with appropriate learning technologies was a key priority. specific categories. Bruce, C. (2020) Self-Advocacy as Precariousness in University Education,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. In: Chalmers, D. and Hunt, L. eds. Your contextual statement gave a good sense of your learning and teaching philosophy, highlighting your commitment to inclusive, student-centered learning. Available at: All the experience and evidence included in your application must relate to teaching and/or support for learning practice related to higher education provision such as: + level 4 or above within the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) in Vygotsky, L.S. I'm a senior lecturer in Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. When a lecturer calls me or walks into my office and requests instant support, I will always try to accommodate them. Application for Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy: Complete Reflective Commentary LJ 2 Lindsay Jordan Reflective Commentary My application for Senior Fellowship is based on many years' experience with university-wide teaching and learning advisory responsibilities. Me leading a Mahara developers workshop at Catalyst HQ in Auckland, New Zealand 2015. (LogOut/ I am the Academic Liaison Librarian for the subjects of: Languages, Linguistics and TESOL; Fine Art, Photography and Illustration; Design; Music; Music Production; Media Production; Drama, Theatre and Dance; Computer Sciences; Data Science; Mathematics. HEA the application forms. Give detail about the specific context; sometimes there is a need to make the institutional and discipline context more explicit. Based in the United Kingdom, Advance HE (formally known as HEA) champions excellence in teaching and learning within the tertiary education sector globally. Students were more actively engaged with these tools and ways of collaboratively learning as referencing became a co-construction of knowledge, and gave them practical examples of referencing which I found them referring back to in tutorials. From experience, I knew that the face-to-face induction part was fairly useless as most students wouldnt open myPortfolio again until I saw them during the clinic session, meaning I would have to go over the whole induction process again. I had read many news articles on these MOOCs but felt that in order to really understand the hype I had to have a go and complete one of these courses. My HEA Fellowship Portfolio by Sam Taylor Details For info. (2013) Short videos improve student learning in online education, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 28(5), pp. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) 2020, International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) 2020, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) 2020. The two previous years have involved students (mostly SSU lecturers) compiling a myPortfolio page to display evidence to support a 3000 word reflective report, however students took more time and effort uploading evidence and notes taken in class rather than focus on the main piece of work itself. Learners are then shown examples of answers to help them get an idea of what language to use and what to write. Robert Gordon University. 81112. Robert Gordon University. New Technologies and Disabled People,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. As social media and networking involve an element of sharing your own personal data with the world, I knew that those attending my sessions would have very different experiences of using it and therefore I had to ensure that I was sensitive enough not to let those who dont want to use it feel isolated or singled out. Since September 2020, I have been a copy editor for the Journal of Information Literacy, a leading international, peer-reviewed open access journal for the theory and practice of information literacy. This way I know Im giving the best advice as I can and are therefore able to understand how my learners may feel when faced with a new piece of technology or teaching method. Relevant to those who can demonstrate a sustained record of effectiveness and evidence of supporting others in learning and teaching. (2020) I dont like to be told that I view a student with a deficit mindset: Why it Matters that Disability Studies in Education Continues to Grow,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. The point at which I see the students in their learning journey is before any summative or formativeassessment, and usually the academics have no initial assessment of their referencing skills or knowledge. Ableism is also highly prevalent in academia itself (Brown and Leigh, 2020), with Gillberg (2020) specifically critiquing how ableism creates and maintains knowledge production and disciplines itself (Liersh, 2019) critical librarianship asks me to extend this to the work of librarians in HE, and bring disability out of being silent and sidelined (Williams and Hagood, 2019). I am applying to start a PhD programme to research disabled students experiences of information and research during their University study, using democratic participatory methods to co-create research and outcomes. reflectively, I shared some writing tips in this Cracking Most HEA events, like workshops, seminars and reading groups, take place in the UK. Prior to my current role I was an associate lecturer delivering BTEC National diplomas in Performing Arts and Sport and Exercise Science. With over a decade of HE teaching, including 6 years of programme leadership experience, I currently lecture on BA (Hons) Graphic Design for Digital Media at GCU. Feedback like this is very helpful, and its encouraging to see that a high-profile academic is promoting us amongst their colleagues. Not only does this create much more flexbility in the kinds of teaching I do (and the confidence with which I teach), but also will help to continue building relationships with academics so that I am working towards being a more valued partner in the students learning [A2, A4, A5]. (ever felt that way?). 515549. 210219. This approach is Harmondsworth: Penguin. and Cigas, J. Advance HE is a UK-based member-led, sector-owned charity that promotes excellence in higher education across the world. I also enjoy writing and have written a report and contributed to two journal articles that have been published inDialogue(the SSU internal publication). Available at: 21 December 2020). Dean, C. J. Referencing as a skill is one which often requires problem solving, and as such, I moved towards a Problem-Based Learning model (Brodie, 2013) [A2, A4, K2]. Throughout all the training I give Ill always request that my learners are able to demonstrate back to me that they understand what Ive covered. We also allowed for those who just wanted come and listen, in case they just wanted a brief introduction. 1. By the way, if you are stuck for ideas on how to write These statements are posted with the permission of the former (anonymous) AIIS fellows who wrote them. Ive made my written application and my feedback available here so that other librarians have an open example of what a successful written application looks like. about Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowships. I also knew that by creating how to videos and support materials for the distance learners on the MSc Shipping Operations unit that they could do their own induction themselves I would only be needed if anything technical was going wrong. Round 1, 2023. Available at: I will also include links to social media sites that are owned by key industry players. (2019) Identifying and facilitating a community of practice in information literacy in higher education. Tell your story with examples that the reader may be able to relate to. The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is an international, non-profit organization that promotes teaching excellence in higher education. Workshops and seminars provide excellent opportunities to network and share ideas and experiences; the 7 Edutech Wonders sessions and Half Hour Huddles aim to inspire and encourage those in the room to put forward ways in which they could implement their new/updated knowledge. By offering these opportunities for learning to staff, I hope they can incorporate something that theyve seen and use it to increase their students engagement and experience at SSU. If you could, how would you? educating your staff and students about copyright. This whole assessment review depended on obtaining feedback from many parties; teaching staff, students and myself as a learning technology specialist. Therefore, when discussing assessments in this context Ill be describing the process in which my learners (staff or students) can prove thatthey'vemet my learning outcomes and objectives. focussed academics with a focus on senior and principal fellowships. Associate Fellow (D1 AFHEA) Some teaching and/or supporting learning responsibilities students, GTAs, contract researchers, In order to apply for post. I often try to identify opportunities where I can support student learning, including staff in need of training. I regularly attend conferences and webinars to do with educational technologies and I am often invited to present my knowledge on Mahara, Moodle and Social Media usage in education at both regional and national events. More strategically, I sit on School Quality Panels for some of my subject areas, where my advice and experience is drawn upon as part of those quality processes. Answer (1 of 4): Most fellowships are paid, providing financial support in the form of a stipend, salary, or grant. London: UCL Press. In 2012 I was part of a team that contributed to theJISC ePortfolio Implementation Project, outcomes of which included a video case study from SSU and an ePortfolio Implementation Tool Kit (my key achievements and outputs are listed in A5). This list contains the 'stuff' that you will write about when you undertake the reflective narrative. Through a disability lens, and my experiences of working with disabled students, I consider referencing stylistics as an ableist practice for particular disabilities (dyslexia, blindness etc), and by extension I see how library referencing support (whilst adhering to the Accessibility regulations and WCAG standards) is not actually pedagogically accessible [A2]. You made appropriate reference to both the dimensions of the framework and the scholarship of learning and teaching an impressive aspect of your work that continued throughout the claim. In order to make it clear to the students how the numerous ILOs from different lectures aligned with the assessment task (an exam), I created a revision guide and facilitated an interactive revision seminar (evidence 1) (K2, K4). Here I share some tips and insights on how to tackle the tricky 'reflective' writing style needed for the application. Available at: Li, M. (2020) Multimodal pedagogy in TESOL teacher education: Students perspectives, System, 94. doi: 10.1016/j.system.2020.102337. Lochtie, D., Stork, A., McIntosh, E. and Walker, B. This application was prepared against the 2019 UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)you will find this cross-referenced through markers for the Dimensions of Practice in square brackets (A1-A5, K1-K6, V1-V4). I will often adapt this generic presentation to suit the needs of the learners depending on their subject or level. 2.VI Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of ActivityAccept, 2.V Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practiceAccept, 2.VI Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to teaching, learning assessment, scholarship and, as appropriate, related academic or professional practicesAccept, Test Around the room I set up seven stations. Most of my knowledge and experience comes from CPD and personal development activities that I have undertook so that I am able to confidently design learning activities that align to my objectives and outcomes. It is hoped that the three examples of ways in which I support learning (both staff and students) shows how I have carefully thought about how I deliver content and subject matter to my learners, taking into account their needs and levels of understanding. View all posts by ThomasPeachLib, Your email address will not be published. Students watch the videos before the lesson and complete the tasks. In order to facilitate the kind of pedagogy outlined in this philosophy, my classroom (and by extension, my librarianship) is: I am also engaged in research and the sharing of this research. I used the structure and technology of Case Study 1 (such as collaborative Word Documents) but reimagined for online learning, which consisted of guided talking head videos and a presentation, which gives space for more self-paced and self-referential learning than in-person teaching (Forsey et al., 2013; Hsin and Cigas, 2013; Li, 2020) [K1, K3, V3]. As shown above, I always try to ensure that I understand as much about my subject area as possible. London: Policy Connect. it). This idea of connected experiences and journeys in knowledge creation/discovery as part of information work is also part of my philosophy to move away from traditional forms of library instruction in one-shot paradigms, to the scaffolded building of knowledges. Book review: Laura Ellingson Embodiment in qualitativeresearch. Douglas, P. and Santinele Martino, A. These sessions have been devised to try and create opportunities for SSU staff to show and tell their experiences of using a particular online tool or technology. Copyright Information & Technologies in Education (CITE) Forum for Higher Education (HE). To support the lecturers, I will now work with them individually to decide how the induction process would go; some will still book an IT room where the students will work through the videos in one session, others will drip-feed 10 minute activities week by week to be completed as homework. Working alongside two senior members of the FBSE Business School, we were able to write a more focussed assignment brief that reflected what exactly the lecturers wanted to see that also aligned with the learning outcomes of the unit: To further support the lecturers and students I agreed to develop tasks to be drip-fed into the unit to help keep them on track, along with an example of what the myPortfolio page should look like and a template to copy: It is hoped that the students will now be more focussed on what is asked of them, rather than upload lots of documents thataren'treferred to in the 3000 wordreflection, thus reducing the time wasted by the lecturers opening every document hunting for their relevance. Available at: Give detail about individual contributions when working on joint projects. For example, I will often ask them to think alone, do a short task, share outcomes with neighbour/peers and evaluate in groups to feedback to the rest of the class. Descriptors, outcome (Accept / Borderline / Refer), and any special comments: 2.I Successful engagement across all five Areas of ActivityAccept, 2.II Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core KnowledgeAccept, 2.III A commitment to all the Professional ValuesAccept. Available at: 21 December 2020). If you have not heard of this scheme before, Advance HE Academy (formerly the Higher Education . Although this sounded quite exciting, we knew it would be a challenge to ensure that the pace of the session would be suitable for all who attended. Supporting Statement Guidance - Associate Fellowship Thank you for agreeing to provide the supporting statement required to corroborate an application for Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). To date over 75,000 individuals have become Fellows of the HEA. Once you've attended UCL Arena events that relate to your teaching, supervision, student support or leadership role, you can apply for one of the categories of Fellowship by submitting a written or multi-modal application to an internal panel of academic and professional assessors.